The transfer of ENERGY
Energy has different meanings. The nontechnical usage derives from the Greek en(which means in) and ergon(which means work). Hence energy is the capacity to do work, an inherent vigor.
Energy describes the state of a system in relation to the action of the Four force.
We buy electric energy packageed from the hardware store and on tap from the power or energy company.
Such as, Chemical energy can be gotten from a biodiesel or gasoline.Electrical energy from solar cell. The most important characteristic of energy.Energy transferred from one configuration of interactions to another, such that the total amount of energy remain unchanged. Themal energy can be converted into electrical energy, and some of that turned into light, and back again into thermal energy, but the net amount of energy is always the same.Energy is conserved.
Energy is a scalar quantity associated in various amount with all the things that exist, from minute massless particles to immense whirling galaxies. By observaing the changing behavior of matter, we infer the presence of one form or another of energy. Like linear and angular momentum, energy is not an entity in and of itself.There is no such thing as pure energy.
พระพุทธรูปศักดิ์สิทธิ์และโบสถ์ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ของประเทศไทย The Holy Buddha
Image and Temple of Thailand
* ประเทศไทย*
*ประเทศไทย* หรือชื่อทางการว่า *ราชอาณาจักรไทย*
ประเทศ มีประวัติศาสตร์ ก่อสร้างชาติ ก่อสร้าง ประเทศอันยาวนาน
9 years ago
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