When the force exerts to the body with force not constant. We can find the work done by integral of force F with respect to displacement x ,that a body move from point x1 to x2
For the stretched spring. To keep a spring stretched an amount x beyond its unstretched length, we have to apply a force with magnitude F at each end. If the elongation is not too great, we find that F is directly proportional to x
F = kx.........................(4)
where k is a constant called the force constant or spring constant of spring.
equation (4) is known as Hooke's law. And the total work done by this force is
Suppose the spring is stretched a distance x1 at the start. then the work to do it to stretch it to a greater elongation x2 is
W = 0.5kx2^2-0.5kx1^2 ................(5)
NEXT : Work and Kinetic Energy
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Image and Temple of Thailand
* ประเทศไทย*
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ประเทศ มีประวัติศาสตร์ ก่อสร้างชาติ ก่อสร้าง ประเทศอันยาวนาน
9 years ago
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